Passionate People, Professional Team

Passionate People, Professional Team

Today, Owens proudly operates a multi-modal service utilising road, rail and sea, throughout our network of over 400 destinations New Zealand-wide.

Find out how we can get your freight moving

Technology and Business Solutions

Technology and Business Solutions

Quote of the Day

Life is too important to be taken seriously

Freight Basics

Here is a collection of helpful articles to assist you in learning what you need to know about freight

Freight Basics - Freight Terminology

Freight shipping involves many different terms, learn what these mean to you here in our terminology glossary

Freight Basics - Freight Insurance, do you need it?

Freight insurance is something you should consider when moving freight. We have put together some key points about insurance that can be helpful to you and your business

Freight Basics - What is a Fuel Adjustment Factor?

What is FAF? Why do transport companies have this charge? What does it mean for me?

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To find our more about this service, contact our team of experts today

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